Monday, December 29, 2008


Gracie had a WONDERFUL first Christmas. Actually, she had 4! Earlier in December we celebrated with my brother, David, and his wife, Elizabeth. My mom made her traditional cornish game hens with yummy fixin's. Uncle David and Aunt Elizabeth got Gracie a soft picnic basket with food that crinkles, shakes, rattles, and rolls! Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and don't have any pictures from that Christmas.

Christmas Eve Clay and I exchanged gifts and gave Gracie her gift from us (a cute outfit and socks).

Then on Christmas day, my parents and nanny came over to our house. Clay made a DELICIOUS beef tenderloin and some more yummy fixin's. We went to the capital to see the Christmas decorations and take pictures. And of course, we opened presents. Gracie loooooooooved the paper tearing most of all!

Christmas night we headed to El Dorado and had Christmas #4 ! I had turducken for the first time--turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken. It had cajun seasonings and was really good! And of course, more yummy fixin's! And an overdose of desserts. Clay's cousins made it for Christmas, so there was lots of fun and plenty of people who wanted to hold Gracie. More presents and fun and family! We also had family portraits done by the talented cousin Lauren. We will post those when they're ready (including pictures of Clay's parents--I didn't get many snapshots). You may remember Lauren took some amazing pictures of Gracie when she was two weeks old.

Here three of Clay's cousins recite a passage from Matthew. We had plenty of entertainment!

It was a wonderful Christmas, and we thank all our family for the wonderful time we spent with each of them and the wonderful gifts they gave us.


Iris said...

what a blessing to have so much family around to celebrate the holidays with! looks like gracie had a really fun time! can't wait to see the portraits you guys took!

The Fintons said...

Love the family pic by the tree! That Gracie is sooo photogenic! What a cute family!

The Nelson Family said...

What a great first Christmas for Gracie! She is so cute in that striped dress with the tights and patent shoes! Very cute pictures at the capitol. That turducken sounds intense! Also - good to see Dana - she looks beautiful as always! :)