Friday, January 16, 2009

Just a spoonful of cereal....

helps the vegetables go down! The best way we've found to get Gracie to eat her veggies is to serve it up with a side of ceral--rice, oatmeal, barley, doesn't matter! I give her a spoonful or two of cereal, then try a spoonful of veggies. With squash or carrots she does great with this method. She was pretty grumpy with her green peas today, though. I've also tried feeding her solids before nursing, but today she was upset so I nursed her first. We're going to try the peas again tonight, maybe food first, then nursing. I never knew this would be so hard!


the osbornes said...

Hey girl! Stick with it, it really will get easier. I've always done bottle first then food, he always does much better if he is not starving when I try to feed it to him (this was especially true when he first started solids). I've also heard that many doctors recommend doing it that way b/c the nursing/bottle is much more important than the food at this stage. Maybe switching it will help? Just a thought. Good luck! See ya Tuesday

The Nelson Family said...

Yea, the nursing/formula has everything they need to grow, until about 1yr old. The food is just for them to develop oral skills and eating habits and because it's fun for parents and baby. It doesn't supply a lot of nutrients or calories, so don't fret too much. Alternating with something they like or double dipping with a little veg/cereal on the same spoon is a good way, too. Funny how they already have their likes and dislikes. C
Also - love the pjs with matching hat!