Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to Clay!

We celebrated Clay's 30th birthday today! He had a good day--breakfast at work, lunch with co-workers, a special visit by Gracie to the office today, and then a special dinner at home. Filet mignon topped with bacon, baked potato and creamed spinach. Yummy!I sometimes have trouble getting Gracie to eat meats, but she knows a good thing when she sees it! She loved the filet mignon.Then present time.And last but not least, cupcakes! I think Clay had a good birthday. And after all, as they say, 30 is the new 20! Ha!

P.S.--Somehow some of my text became a link. Don't know how that happened or what happens when you click on it. Oops!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gracie's First Camping Trip

Gracie went on her first camping trip this weekend. As you can see, she was terribly excited to be going! We went to Albert Pike, the same camping grounds Clay grew up visiting every summer. It was the highlight of his year (better than Christmas!) and I think it will be the same for Gracie. She did great in the car--Albert Pike is a little over 2 hours away on the Little Missouri River.
Our home sweet away from home. The view of the Little Missouri River from our campsite.
Dear old dad did all the set up (and tear down) and did a great job!
We made the short hike down to the springs, and Gracie had a blast in this little spring.
"This is so fun!"

"Don't eat the rock!" We barely caught her before it went in her mouth....oh well, as they say "God made dirt, dirt don't hurt!"

Notice her foot totally submerged in the water. This water was frigid, but she played and played anyway. She only cried when we pulled her out and hiked back to camp.
This was also baby boy Glasgow's first camping trip. It's funny how different this pregnancy has been--I've got the total basketball belly this time around!
"Thanks for the ride, dad!"
More pretty views.
Sabrina had a blast as well.
Baby doll had to come along, too, of course. This is her water baby given to Gracie on her birthday from her Mimi. The good thing about water dolls is you can put them in a pillowcase and wash them in the washing machine, which made her the perfect camping companion!
In the morning after Gracie's first night in a tent. She went down fine in her pack-n-play, but kicked off her covers and got cold. We put her between us on the floor of the tent after that (atop an eggshell mattress). There were some strange hooting sounds going on throughout the night, though, that woke us all periodically. Perhaps not the best night's sleep, but definitely worth it!
Breakfast. Powdered sugar doughnuts! And daddy also made bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches--yummy!

Sabrina also got to engage in her favorite past time--fetching a stick from the river.
As they say, "a good time was had by all." We had a very memorable first camping trip, and look forward to many more!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

For Daddy

Here's some pictures for daddy who had to be out of town tonight. Gracie got a couple of new fall outfits today. Here she is sporting the one she picked out herself. I held two outfits in front of her (same style, different color), and this is the one she chose! Cutie, if I do say so myself.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Something New

Gracie just began practicing with a fork and spoon this week. I'm pretty impressed at how quickly she's catching on! On one hand, meal times now take longer and are messier (for the time being), but it was nice this evening at dinner when I gave her a spoon and fork to "practice" with, and we ate in peace while she attempted to eat with the utensils (she had already eaten some and wasn't famished, don't worry!). Then of course we helped her finish up!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Latest Stats and Sayings

Gracie had her 15 month check up this week. She is in the 75% for height (we thought she looked tall!) and between the 25-50% for weight. Gracie is talking up a storm. She can say many words (by "say" I mean she attempts, getting the first consonant sound correct, and usually the vowel, but not many final consonants yet). She can say mama, daddy (da), dog, duck, door, doll (she loves the d words :) ball, eye, nose, and had begun saying bye bye and baby completely. The cool thing is, when we ask her to say a word, she almost always attempts and almost always gets that first consonant right. There's a whole host of other words she says that I can't remember right now. She can also identify several body parts (head, hair, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, arms, legs, feet, hands, toes, belly button) and can identify those parts on me and Clay as well. She even pointed to Sabrina's toes the other day. Gracie continues to love pretend play with her baby dolls and snack cups. I'm smiling just thinking about her....she's pretty amazing!

Okay, enough bragging for one day...more pics and video to come soon!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Everyday with Gracie

Here is Gracie looking out the window at the neighbor's yard people. Thanks, mom, for the pants...we actually needed them today! Gracie loves carrying around my shirts, but usually just certain ones. She was carrying this one around in the above picture, but it was a different day. I decided to put it on her, and boy was it cute! She also found this chain and loves playing with it.
Gracie looooooooooooooves her babydoll!
We knew she loved to read, but this commentary on the book of John is pretty advanced, huh?
Here is Gracie trying to put a piece of cereal in her doll's hand. Before I had the camera, she tried to put the cereal in the doll's mouth. Gracie loves playing with her doll. On Wednesday, I saw her carry her doll to her high chair, put the doll in it, then go bang on the pantry door a couple of times (her version of opening it and getting a snack out) and come back and "feed" an imaginary cracker to her baby. It was precious! She is going to be such a big help when her baby brother arrives!

I am pretty sure Gracie could live outside if we let her. Here she is just enjoying herself!