Friday, September 11, 2009

Latest Stats and Sayings

Gracie had her 15 month check up this week. She is in the 75% for height (we thought she looked tall!) and between the 25-50% for weight. Gracie is talking up a storm. She can say many words (by "say" I mean she attempts, getting the first consonant sound correct, and usually the vowel, but not many final consonants yet). She can say mama, daddy (da), dog, duck, door, doll (she loves the d words :) ball, eye, nose, and had begun saying bye bye and baby completely. The cool thing is, when we ask her to say a word, she almost always attempts and almost always gets that first consonant right. There's a whole host of other words she says that I can't remember right now. She can also identify several body parts (head, hair, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, arms, legs, feet, hands, toes, belly button) and can identify those parts on me and Clay as well. She even pointed to Sabrina's toes the other day. Gracie continues to love pretend play with her baby dolls and snack cups. I'm smiling just thinking about her....she's pretty amazing!

Okay, enough bragging for one day...more pics and video to come soon!


Townsend said...

our stubborn little jacob could learn a thing or 2 from you!

The Nelson Family said...

Yay! What a big girl! What can you say? She's a genius!