Friday, July 2, 2010

My Sweet Babies

Gracie kept bringing me bows to put in her hair. As she would say "fun funny!" Grace was in the 97% for height at her 2 year checkup! Tall girl!
Andrew tries out the high chair at Mimi and Papa's house.
She smiled for the picture, but Papa's tractor was "too noisy."
Mohawk boy. Funny how my kids hair is following the same patterns. Andrew even has a few curls when his hair is wet, but I think it's going to stay on the straight side.
Gracie's favorite summer pasttime--sprinklers!
Andrew's favorite pasttime--being doted upon by anyone and everyone!
Taking a break from helping daddy wash the cars.
We're having a fun summer. It's going by way too fast!


Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

fun times! looks like you have adjusted like a champ to having 2. :)

Townsend said...

totally laughed out loud at the pics of gracie getting squirted in the face! so cute!
fun pics...but could you post more please, thanks.