Monday, May 7, 2012

Garden, Playtime, and Cereal, Oh My!

Garden Time!  Clay has done an awesome job starting us a garden this year.  He grew everything from seeds and this has been the most fun experiement!  The kids love to go out with him and pick weeds, water, and play!  I say this has been an experiment because we grew a little of a lot of different veggies to see what works best in our yard.  Here is a head of romaine!  I am almost more antsy than the kids in wanting to harvest the veggies!
 Here are green beans growing up the bamboo.  Behind that are purple hull peas, the thing Gracie is most anxious for!
 See that delicious cherry tomato?  Mimi and Papa held "cousins camp" at cousin Maggie's house and the cousins planted their own cherry tomatoes, along with some petunias!
 Drum roll please.....our first zucchini!!!!! 
 Time to harvest!

 And dinner with our fresh produce.....flat bread pizzas! 
And here is a hydrangea from the front yard.  We didn't do a thing to them and thankfully they returned, looking better than last year.  They are almost a month early this year.  We have always called hydrangeas Gracie's birthday flower, because they are beautiful right around her birthday, the 6th of June.  Hopefully they'll still be nice and we can still call them her birthday flower!
Kid time!  Here is my sweet Pebbles, I mean Claire!  She's been sportin' a ponytail lately :)
 What a beautiful, happy girl! 
 We love playing in the backyard morning, noon, and night!
 I can't believe how big Andrew is getting.  On the big boy swing now!
 The front sidewalk has been another fun play destination.  After watching an episode of "Franny's Feet" where Franny plays soccer, Grace just had to play.  And I thought she was a pretty good kicker!  My favorite line from this playtime by Gracie was "What is this wet on my forehead???"  Sweat my dear, sweat. 
 Andrew kept throwing a tennis ball around we found at Allsop Park the other day. 

Claire and me watching

Craft time!  I have taken only 1 sewing class, but felt confident enough to try a little curtain project.  The kiddos wanted to craft along with me. 
Ironed and pinned the fabric
 Got to sewing
 2 mistakes later, my mom coming to help me rethread the machine, my mom coming back to help me rethread the bobbin, and here is my little curtain!  So it's simple, a little too girly for Clay's taste, and could have been done with iron on tape and no sewing machine, but I was proud of my little project :)

Cerear time!  Claire just turned 6 months old!!!!  I cannot believe how fast her babyhood is flying.  She's been wanting to try food (at least I think so every time she sits on my lap while I eat!), so I finally bought some organic brown rice cereal.  She had a blast! 

Well, long post today!  This spring has really been fun.  Looking forward to more!


kittyosmon said...

Love watching your family grow! You're right- it happens so fast!

Townsend said...

LOVE YOUR ADORABLE CURTAIN!!! I could not have busted that out even with several sewing classes under my belt!! good for you!! and what a yummy, fresh flatbread pizza! SO jealous of your garden!!loved catching up with the glasgow adventures :)