Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Everyday with Gracie

Here is Gracie looking out the window at the neighbor's yard people. Thanks, mom, for the pants...we actually needed them today! Gracie loves carrying around my shirts, but usually just certain ones. She was carrying this one around in the above picture, but it was a different day. I decided to put it on her, and boy was it cute! She also found this chain and loves playing with it.
Gracie looooooooooooooves her babydoll!
We knew she loved to read, but this commentary on the book of John is pretty advanced, huh?
Here is Gracie trying to put a piece of cereal in her doll's hand. Before I had the camera, she tried to put the cereal in the doll's mouth. Gracie loves playing with her doll. On Wednesday, I saw her carry her doll to her high chair, put the doll in it, then go bang on the pantry door a couple of times (her version of opening it and getting a snack out) and come back and "feed" an imaginary cracker to her baby. It was precious! She is going to be such a big help when her baby brother arrives!

I am pretty sure Gracie could live outside if we let her. Here she is just enjoying herself!


Iris said...

hey! i didn't know you guys were having a boy! was that your way of telling us? congratulations, i'm so excited for your little growing family!

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

love how gracie takes care of her baby doll. so sweet! she's going to be a great big sis.

The Nelson Family said...

Congrats on a boy! How fun. She is so big. It seems like just last week we were watching her pull up in her crib! How the time flies!