Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gracie's First Camping Trip

Gracie went on her first camping trip this weekend. As you can see, she was terribly excited to be going! We went to Albert Pike, the same camping grounds Clay grew up visiting every summer. It was the highlight of his year (better than Christmas!) and I think it will be the same for Gracie. She did great in the car--Albert Pike is a little over 2 hours away on the Little Missouri River.
Our home sweet away from home. The view of the Little Missouri River from our campsite.
Dear old dad did all the set up (and tear down) and did a great job!
We made the short hike down to the springs, and Gracie had a blast in this little spring.
"This is so fun!"

"Don't eat the rock!" We barely caught her before it went in her mouth....oh well, as they say "God made dirt, dirt don't hurt!"

Notice her foot totally submerged in the water. This water was frigid, but she played and played anyway. She only cried when we pulled her out and hiked back to camp.
This was also baby boy Glasgow's first camping trip. It's funny how different this pregnancy has been--I've got the total basketball belly this time around!
"Thanks for the ride, dad!"
More pretty views.
Sabrina had a blast as well.
Baby doll had to come along, too, of course. This is her water baby given to Gracie on her birthday from her Mimi. The good thing about water dolls is you can put them in a pillowcase and wash them in the washing machine, which made her the perfect camping companion!
In the morning after Gracie's first night in a tent. She went down fine in her pack-n-play, but kicked off her covers and got cold. We put her between us on the floor of the tent after that (atop an eggshell mattress). There were some strange hooting sounds going on throughout the night, though, that woke us all periodically. Perhaps not the best night's sleep, but definitely worth it!
Breakfast. Powdered sugar doughnuts! And daddy also made bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches--yummy!

Sabrina also got to engage in her favorite past time--fetching a stick from the river.
As they say, "a good time was had by all." We had a very memorable first camping trip, and look forward to many more!


Townsend said...

Thoroughly enjoyed reading about your camping trip!! makes me want to go!!!! i am definitely not that brave to take Haven yet..but i bet jacob would have a blast! great pics and gracie is such a trooper!!

Iris said...

how special! what a great tradition to continue as a family!

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

i'm so impressed! we have yet to break out our camping gear with alex (and david). maybe next year....ha!

Chrissa said...

Jennifer - I'm so proud of you guys!!!!! Not many people would go TENT camping with a such a little one and a dog!!! You have given me hope that it can be done :) It looks like you guys had such a great time. Hooray!!!! Wish we could have been there w/ you! Did ya'll do the hobo meals?

Chrissa said...

Oh, and pregnant too!!!!! Man, GO GLASGOWS!!!!

Clay and J said...

We kind of pulled everything together last minute, so we ended up just doing burgers. Next time we're definitely doing the hobo meals though!

Chrissa said...

Hey, you can't beat a good burger, anyways! LOL!!

Laura said...

Now I want to go camping with you, too! Looks like you had SO much fun! Gracie is a hoot!!! And your belly--you're just adorable :)

Luke and Courtney Brewer said...

Such cute pictures! Makes me miss you guys and Arkansas so much! You have the cutest little pregnant belly, but my favorite picture was the one of Gracie with powdered doughnut sugar on her mouth!

Dana said...

Man, I'm so jealous! I wish we could have been there too. We'll have to plan a family camping trip when Baby Boy Glasgow get's old enough! Yes, I definitely love the powdered doughnut picture too :)

Layla and Jason said...

Wow! I'm so impressed! You guys are awesome! Camping with a toddler while pregnant! Wow!