Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Why Blog?

Blogging...my opinion on this subject has always been that I have nothing to say that would be of enough interest to the world to justify maintaining a blog. That has apparently changed now that Jennifer is with child. So due to popular demand, here it is...the Glasgow blog.


Townsend said...

welcome to the world of blogging!!!! SO GLAD you guys started one up :)

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

Welcome to the blogging world! You'll be so glad you did. It's such a fun way to share life with others. r

Layla and Jason said...

WooHoo!! So glad you've joined the club! Looking forward to all your words of wisdom!

Patrick said...

Don't do it!!!! Then we'll have to start it, then the next thing you know, everybody is doing it.

The Fintons said...

Yeah! Now we can keep up with yall and your new adventures! We are so excited for you guys and your new upcoming bundle of joy!