Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Cleaning Olympics

Are you keeping up with the Olympics this year? I've only watched a little, but in the spirit of the Olympics, I designed "The Cleaning Olympics," to help me do some mega-quick cleaning while Gracie naps. You see, PG (pre-Gracie) I would spend hours on Saturday cleaning house, and crazy as it sounds I LOVED IT! Now that Gracie has arrived, I don't have hours to spare on Saturdays, so I try to do a little each day. Today I was feeling rather lazy, and would have loved to nap with Gracie, so I designed an Olympic style game to spur me on. This is how it worked. I gave myself 1 hour to fulfill a gargantuan list of chores. If I was to complete my list (including dusting, windexing, vacuuming, sweeping, and steam mopping), I got the gold. And so, I began. I gave myself extra credit for not taking shortcuts, and at the end of the hour, I had dusted and windexed, but had also vacuumed all the den furniture, and so, though the floors remain untouched, I gave myself a silver.

If you didn't think I was a little goofy before you read this, now you know for sure that I am. But my house is cleaner, and I have a silver medal. Well, okay, I don't, but my house is cleaner. Now it's time to wake the babe and give her lunch. After that it's off to Nanny's house to hang out. And when we return....the 30 minutes for the gold.

Baby pictures to come soon. The real reason you are on my blog. :)


Laura said...

that makes me smile :) i love it! i can not WAIT to see gracie in october and hug you!!!!!!!!!!! you're a mom!!! :) anyways, hope you got the gold . . .

Kostrubala said...

Hi Jennifer!
I was reading your blog and it made me think of a book I read called something like How Shiny is your Sink anyway here's the webpage for it:
It's all about cleaning and organizing and its written by a Christian woman, so she always includes time for God in the day. I really like how she lays out plans for cleaning a little each day, like you're doing. And she has like mega fast cleaning too like this fling boogie thing she does! Anyway, check it out! Kellie

The Fintons said...

funny post! I wish I could play that game with myself...for some reason i am no fun to play the game with... :-( I need more motivation to clean. Way to go for the GOLD, Jen!

sara said...

I don't think you're crazy. I think it's a great idea. The thing is I don't have a baby and I don't have a clean house. Maybe I should try your game.