Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Growing Up

Gracie and I are beginning a new stage....weaning. She is almost a year and I am ready for her to be a completely independent eater. And she is growing more ready herself each day. For day 1 (today) I substituted her nursing afternoon snack with a cup of milk. She loved it! I am so grateful she enjoyed the whole milk and is doing well with a cup. We are going to continue with this for a few days before I substitute another meal with the cup. If you have any tips on weaning, send them my way!


the osbornes said...

I'm so glad she did well today! Her bib is perfect for the occasion :)

It was fun playing with you guys today! I'm praying for sunshine next week, it's getting a little out of control on the indoor playground now that these babies are growing up and running around!

Rachel said...

That's great that she did so well.

No real tips on weaning....just do what is best for you :)

Townsend said...

LOVE the diaper pic at the top! don't be running outside without your britches on, gracie! it's not ladylike :)
as for weaning...i think you know, i went cold turkey...but i also had jacob down to 3 nursings a day. Rachel said it best; do what's best for you :)