Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bloggy Catch-Up

Gracie has taken off walking. It only took her a couple of days to shed crawling, and walk full time! She has been walking for around 3 weeks, I think. The other day we went to the grocery store around 4:00 and Gracie hadn't eaten a big lunch that day. I immediately bought her an apple for her to munch on during the shopping trip. I didn't hear a peep out of her the entire trip, and when we got home, she kept munching while I brought in the groceries!
She ate quite a lot! My only mistake was forgetting a bib--next time I'll even buy one while I'm there if I have to!
Gracie is so proficient at walking that she can walk and drink at the same time. Notice how she only has one shoe on. She loves to go in her shoe basket and bring us a show to put on her foot. We have started to wonder if it's bad for her to go around with one shoe on, so today I told her "go get the other shoe" and she went back to her room and brought back the match! Such a smartie :)
My favorite time of day is getting Gracie up after her nap. She loves to play in her crib.
Doesn't she look so old here?!?!?! My cutie is growing up!
Yesterday Clay worked in the yard, clearing away some branches and cutting down a small tree in the yard.
That's my hubby, a hard-workin' man!

Our sweetie.


Iris said...

great update! i love her curly hair!

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

love the matching shoe story. alex has just started putting her shoes away when they are in another room! they grow so fast.

The Fintons said...

She is so cute! I think her and Hutch must use the same hair dresser! haha. Way to go Gracie on the walking!

Chrissa said...

Awwww!!! I adore her sweet smile!!! So cute!

the osbornes said...

Ahhh, I just LOVE toddler pot bellies!! Gracie is such a cutie

Laura said...

BRUCE she's adorable! SO glad you updated the pictures--I love that she's walking now! I LOVE her curls . . . sometimes, I look at her and TOTALLY see your mom. Super sweet!!!!

Townsend said...

hooray for the blog update!! i was beginning to wonder and FEAR you would do away with this one too! love ALL the pics...the cute one with her getting off the bike is the firt time i see you (vs Clay) in her!