Saturday, May 31, 2008

Changing of the Guard

Now that we have a home computer and internet, Clay has officially resigned as blogger and turned that task over to me! I hope my hubbie will continue to make appearances on the blog, as he is much funnier than I am, and Sabrina seems to say more interesting things when he's around.

Here are some updated pictures:

Gracie's take home outfit (if ever she is born), a present from my mom

The new shelf for Gracie's room (thanks to the Ramsey's for tipping us onto the Midtowne Antique store--the red shelf was $10!)


Layla and Jason said...

Love the shelf! Isn't that place great?!? We always find good deals there.

sara said...

I love the red shelf. The room looks really great. I keep checking your blog to make sure Grace hasn't arrived and I didn't know it. I also really like the letters that spell her name in her room, way cute. Come on Gracie, we're waiting on you:) I'm sure Mommy is most of all.