Could this be the last belly shot before Gracie arrives? Or will we have a photo for week 41 when we induce June 11th? Here I am last night after a walk standing in front of our beautiful hydrangea bushes. We inherited them when we moved in last summer, and neighbors have told us they're the prettiest on the block! Now we just have to try and keep them that way.
OKAY...i am writing this as I am WAITING to hear that Gracie has arrived!!! are you still in labor??? i pray everything is going well! (as if you are reading your blog while in labor). hurry Gracie HURRY!
It really won't be much longer. Love Mom
OKAY...i am writing this as I am WAITING to hear that Gracie has arrived!!! are you still in labor??? i pray everything is going well! (as if you are reading your blog while in labor). hurry Gracie HURRY!
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