Friday, February 20, 2009

Post 101 and the Many Names for Gracie

Alright everyone, let's celebrate! This is post 101! I actually wanted to make a big deal about the 100th posting on this blog, but Clay did that video and I missed my chance. I can't believe we've sat down to post 101 times. So fun.

Do you have pet names or nicknames for your little one? We have so many for Gracie that Clay is afraid she will have an identity crisis one day. Correction, I have many names for Gracie. Clay has pretty much one name and its variations that he calls her.

Okay, here goes.

Booger (I know that's awful!)
Boogere (think French--boog air)
Sweet Pea
Sweet Pete

And I'm sure I"ll think of some more. All pretty silly for sure. Poor girl.
What are your pet names for your little ones (or your spouse)?


Rachel said...

That's a bunch!

Matt calls me peaches, but I don't really have one for him (I generally say honey, though)

Meredith -- Mer (sounds like Mare) or Mer-bear

Russell -- Russ (which is what we generally call him) or russ-buster. Matt and Meredith call him Destructo because he likes to tear down lego creations.

Should we ask what pet names the two of you have for each other?

the osbornes said...

so cute!
For some reason we started calling Noah "Booger-Man" and it stuck! It has been shortened to "Boogs" too. When he was itty bitty I had both "buddy" and "baby" in my head and it came out "Bubby" Now that is what I call him most of the time! That one has been shortened to "Bubs" and "Bubbers"

Austin, Beth, Caed, and Dax said...

we have a lot of names for Caed too. our favorites are Caedertot (like tatertot)and Caederade (like gatorade).

Iris said...

congrats on post 101! off the top of my head i call kekoa "kekoa babes" "sweet beet" "cutie boo" but the most recent not so typical name has been "face." i just think he has the cutest little face that i've started to call him "face." like, "hey face,"

Townsend said...

our jacob is called oh so many names..primarily: baby jacobs, rascal, faker baker, fussy baby, handsome baby, sleepy baby, anything with "britches" added to the end.
Joshua calls me every southern term of endearment in the book: darlin', sweetheart, sweetie, baby.
and i call him: Joshua or Townsend. -so boring!