Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Part 2

Christmas afternoon my family took its traditional trip to the capitol to see all the decorations. Gracie loved them! And here she is in her cute new outfit from Nana and Grandpa.

The huge tree with hand-painted ornaments from each county in Arkansas.
Gracie's favorite activity of course--climbing the stairs. When they got to the top and were ready to go down, though, she said "Oh no! Up!" But soon wanted to go down herself afterall.

Attempting a nice posed picture.More like it!

Well, we tried.

Christmas last year at the capitol!Don't you love Gracie's curly mohawk?
Christmas night, Clay's parents (Mimi (Mi) and Papa (Pa)) came into town, along with his sister Dana (Na) and her hubby Matt (she says Matt fully!). Dana and Matt cooked delicious chili in bread bowls and had all kinds of delicious snacks and treats to go along with the meal. Here is Gracie in her new rocking chair from Mimi and Papa--a huge hit!

And the day after Christmas, all dressed up in her new Christmas coat from her great uncle Bobby and aunt Jo Lynn and her new winter coat from Mimi.
Gracie and Aunt Dana. Everyone went over to my parent's house for brunch the day after Christmas. It was fun to have both our families together on Christmas day after!

What a great Christmas! Wish I had some up close shots of all the family, but I spent most of the day sitting down and enjoying everyone's company instead!


Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

love her new white coat! i love how both of your families got together. how neat!

Layla and Jason said...

looks like you guys had a great christmas. that new coat of gracie's is so cute!! i love the tradition of checking out the decorations at the capitol. we still have yet to even make it there.

The Hows said...

so fun! what a great tradition, visiting the capitol! i love the new header picture taken by none other than graeme!