Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tanyard Springs and Reflections

We just got back from an absolutely phenomenal weekend in Tanyard Springs with two other couples from our house church. The weekend was incredibly energizing in so many ways. It truly felt like we were on a trip with family. Each family provided different meals, and mealtime was always my favorite as we got to sit down at one huge table together. I'm pretty sure it used to be a conference table, so it could seat all of us plus the kiddos. Here we are enjoying Layla's baked zitti--yummy! Another highlight was staying up late (the adults) and playing games. Mad Gab, Graeme's version of the newlywed game, and Apples to Apples were a ton of fun. And I am pretty sure one day years from now I will burst into laughter as I remember some of the embarrassing moments that were shared when we played the newlywed game. But don't worry, to those of you involved--my lips are sealed!

Reese quickly discovered the best place to play--in the kitchen cabinets! She did this all weekend and had so much fun!Grace's favorite pastime was blowing her nose on a wipe and then "cleaning" the huge picture windows in the house. This huge window had amazing views, but unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures of them! Gracie had trouble adjusting the first night and was up with us pretty late. But by the next day she took naps and went to bed at 7:30 Saturday and slept until 7 on Sunday. On Saturday the guys and Reagan hiked down to the waterfall. It looks absolutely gorgeous. I want to go back and see it myself!Each morning, Graeme led in a devotional around the breakfast table. And Sunday morning we gathered together and celebrated Advent. Advent has been new for most of us, and I have really enjoyed it. Advent looks at the birth of Christ with the expectation of His second coming. To me it has been a more complete look at Christmas, and I can honestly say it has been the best Christmas ever as we have read scripture and prayers together, as well as singing songs about Christ and his second coming. Next year our family hopes to also do the daily scripture readings as well as the weekly readings. As you can see, Reese was totally into the candles on the Advent wreath!

On the way home, Clay and I reflected about the weekend. It was amazing to me that we felt so totally energized, when you would expect us to be exhausted (although we all took pretty good naps Sunday afternoon!). I think a couple of things energized us--one, being able to spend so much time with friends in an un-rushed way. There was no agenda to follow, just having fun. Another thing that really energized was being able to share our lives with one another. Each family had time to share things going on in each of our lives. As we each deal with taking steps of faith in our Christian journey, it was so wonderful to be able to share our concerns, needs, and our excitements about the future. John 13:34-35 says"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." For the first time in my life, I am beginning to understand those verses. Others will know of Christ because of our love for each other. And as we have been a part of this house church, I have seen our love for one another grow. We actually talked one morning about what that means to have love for one another. It is so much more than being nice to each other on Sunday mornings and then going on about our weeks as isolated families. It is more about truly sharing life together. We all believe we've only just scratched the surface of what it means to love one another, but this weekend got to experience more of it, and even talked about how to be more in community with one another when we return home.
What a great weekend! Thanks Ramseys and Goldings for making it so special! Oh, and Graeme took a fantastic group shot that I'll post as soon as he sends it!


Iris said...

what great reflections! very encouraging. i never thought i'd be one of those stressed out moms at Christmastime and here i am. but God has been speaking to me too through my QTs and this past sunday evening i really enjoyed the Christmas musical at our church. God is so good! as for the picture on our blog - it's his school picture so it was about 7:20am and he was kinda out of it but our friends entertained him with bubbles and jingle bells.

Laura said...

i remember leaving focus back a million years ago and knowing knowing knowing that i had just expereinced the community that Christ wants us to experience . . . so excited for you Bruce!
so interesting . . . people talk about "religion" and being "religious" and yet, to us, it reallly is "relationship" and "community" and "fellowship" . ..
I don't know . . . i could ramble.
loved your post :)